Color is the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them. But that's just a definition, What is color in its deeper meaning?
The Graphic you will see or have seen is a representation of color in terms of an event, a communication piece that might have a direct or metaphoric impact on you 
The Mind map
Design Statement
Why I chose these objects and usage of this specific Color?

The reason is because they represent my me, my family and the rough times we faced, the usage of the color black for some people might be a very joyous, happy and powerful but in my case it is very sorrowful representing sadness and hatred.

Where did you take inspiration?

It was when my parents got a divorce and remarried to different people, Hence I made a similarity sheet between my step father and my biological father and from there I could decipher their hobbies, ideas what they liked, one was enthusiastic about cars the other was in love with bikes!

What is my take home message?
Whenever there is a permanent change in life, you have to go about that change, mold your life in accordance with that change, there is no going around it you need to base your life around the change.

Mood Board
-Nexa Typeface
-Pantone Black C
Variations of the idea with the use of typography to have a connect with each other.
The Final Piece


Use of color in the different perspective with a deeper meaning!
