In 2014 photographer Cody Ellingham (b. 1991) set out to live a different kind of life. Inspired by wandering and story-telling, Cody began a journey that would take him from the countryside of New Zealand on an odyssey to photograph the changing face of the world’s megacities from Tokyo to Shanghai and beyond in his series of Blade Runner-inspired neon cityscapes called DERIVE.

“DERIVE means to drift through the city, it is about wandering.
I explore without a map or a destination – looking for new angles to see the world.”

DERIVE by Cody Ellingham was born in the megacity of Tokyo, the world’s first cyberpunk city, where Ellingham was inspired by the layers of history that appeared to both from the past and the future.

"I use long-exposure photography to capture a wide range of light and shadow, and
uses post-production tools to create an eerie otherworld where highways turn into rivers
of light and buildings become distant monoliths."

DERIVE by Cody Ellingham delivers Print Editions, a Quarterly Print Zine and digital content through Patreon.


DERIVE Website:


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Explore the neon nights of Tokyo
