This Typeface is created by Jonathan Barnbrook, Prozactakes the alphabet down to six basic shapes which areeither flippedor rotated to make the whole alphabet. For this font i am creating a Viral, which celebrates the font in film form.
Here are initial storyboard ideas, based around the typeface "Prozac".  As the typeface has been influenced and inspired by pharmaceutical and medicine forms i have used that as my main influence. 
Prozac is a way of simplifying your life.
Prozac take things back to basics.
Prozac is a foolish experiment.
Prozac affects the meaning of what you say.
This is a scene still, which i have edited with the Prozac Font.
After producing storyboards based around the Layercake opening monologue and mock up of the type stills, i have decided to change my idea. i am now looking in to how prozac the font can be viewed. As the characters are symbolic and hard to read in a sentence or phrases, i am going to base my viral around the individual letters.

Viral Idea 1

Viral Idea 1

This Project brief is to animate a typeface, my chosen typeface is created by Jonathan Barnbrook - Prozac.
