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Which is in more demand Android or iOS Application Deve

Which is in more demand Android or iOS Application Development?

Ever since smartphones arrived on the scene, there has been a huge demand for mobile applications. Today the world is divided between Android and iOS smartphones. There is no region in the world that can say it has only Android or iOS smartphone.
In such a scenario, any mobile application development company that wishes to flourish has to be able to develop for both platforms. We are going to compare both platforms to see if we can say which is more demand.

Android Apps


Android phones are more popular in developing countries. This is due to the fact that Android phones are cheaper than iPhone’s.


When you consider access to the OS, android application development is easier and much more customizable. However, you should know that developing an android app means writing more codes. It also means that developing an Android app is much more costly.
Another factor one should consider is the fragmentation. There are many OS operating android phones. This means that developers have to test their apps till they stable on all OS.


There are different companies that make Android smartphones. These companies use different OS and also have various models. This makes it impossible to release a new or upgrade app quickly. The app has to be released in phases in order to make it suitable for all Android smartphones by identifying the bugs and removing them.


Android phones are more vulnerable to attacks and hacks. This is due to the free access developers have to the OS. This makes android phones less stable.


Due to the popularity of Android phones in developing countries, companies that develop Android apps can have access to a large market. This proves that Android apps development is important for mobile strategy overall.

Sources of income

Android smartphones depend on the Ad-display for most of their revenue.

iOS Apps

iPhone’s are more popular in developed countries. The reason behind is that iPhone’s are costly and only the rich can afford them.


Even though iOS limits the access to their OS, iOS application development requires developers to write less code than android and it costs less. But the same time the lack of access means that the iOS app is not very customizable.

iOS is not fragmented, therefore developers need not have to test apps on the scale required by android apps.

Even though developers have limited access to the OS, they have to write less code and the cost of developing an app is also less. So, how complicated is iOS Application Development?


The number of iPhone models is less, meaning that the apps can be released quickly.


Since developers have limited access to the OS, iPhone’s are much safer from attacks and hacks. This makes it more stable.


iPhone’s are more popular in developed countries. This means that companies can earn money by making apps for a small group of people with heavy pockets.

Source of Income

Since iPhone users are more likely to make more In-App purchases, this is the source of income for iOS app developers.


The number of Android smartphone users seem to be higher than iPhone users. But, that does not mean that the need for iOS app developers is small.

Now that companies have realized that one of the best ways to keep customers is to develop apps for their smartphones. So, they will have to create apps for both.

There are many businesses that create mobile apps for themselves. These businesses have to create apps for both Android and iOS. This is because if they focus on one platform, they will lose the market available in the other.

As you can see confining yourself to either platform is not good. That is why the best app developers learn to create apps both in Android and iOS. By mastering both platforms you have increased the number of job opportunities available to you.
Which is in more demand Android or iOS Application Deve
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Which is in more demand Android or iOS Application Deve

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