Post(er) cards©
From Paris, to Marseille, Berlin, New-York, Tokyo, Nikko, to Paris.
Complete set |10.2.17| 28 posters.

Simply concept to immortalize scenes viewed on the road during travel through 2012 until now. The idea is to reenforce photoshoot with typography, less is more, so the basis is to stay simple with the font and the pics. Saturated colors and Futura Bold Condensed™ seems to be a good contrast and mix.
2012年までの旅行中に見られたシーンを永遠に変えるためのコンセプト。 アイデアは、タイポグラフィーで写真撮影を強化することです。それ以上のことはありませんので、フォントと写真で簡単にとどまることが基本です。 飽和した色とFutura Bold Condensed™は良いコントラストとミックスのようです。

Set composition :
TOKYO TO / 21 posters
NIKKO SHI / 5 posters
BAMBAM / 12 posters

© rei rei co. 2012, 2014, 2017

Post(er) cards©

Post(er) cards©

Poster and postcards made on photography i took over the last years.
