She breaths messages from her soul.
Secrets wander, harassing the peace.
Colors scream for a black stranger;
It brings a stone to her blank corner.

Like ants, creeping into her ear;
Like blossoms, all bees long for a bite.
The sweetest lie cannot be bottled;
The escaped word cannot be returned.

Slight voice wrinkled up the face.
Passing tracks were recorded on nowhere.
Fill loneliness with soft lullaby.
Spill all dirt on the ground down.

Murmurs between ears and mouths of greed.
Mix together,
Floating further,
Then end the journey in his ear.


Whisper, a Poem. When I focus on this topic, a poem comes out naturally. ' She breaths her soul form... ' Then, I got a poem and try to visual Läs mer
