Launching an illustration series based on my own universe, I am creating an intertwined universe where the characters and stories took place in the same world. However, they may or may not encounter one another, but there are intricate details that suggests they interact with one another
The Geriatric Triad is a triad that majors themselves in an tech-enhanced drug. In this scene it is pictured that one of its member has been killed in a deal gone wrong. The scene took heavy influence from the cyberpunk genre, however the over-the-top gore and violence suggests the scene to be in a league of their own.
This scene is picturing the cybernetic hell, it is a scene that wanted to portray the blend of genres with science fiction and horror.
This scene is inspired by the local culture of my home country, Indonesia. In this picture we see a more technological country of Indonesia. The one that is more augmented artificially. Indonesia is known to be one of the most famous international tourists attractions. With the ever growing real life situation of Indonesia, with the deteriorating social tolerance, we see Indonesia as a more ironic country, while boasting endless amazing natural resources, without actually having the audacity and capacity to manage with such blessings in a country.
Art Direction & Graphics: Mario Pegas__________
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First batch of my personal universe of science-fiction-horror themed illustration.

