arthur vaughn's profile

Beauty of creation, meditation motivation affirmations

Vaughn motivations and meditations
Art the motivator
Daily meditation
Beauty of creation
Growing as a spiritual being means becoming more aware of these dark truths and not being paralyzed by them. We accept death and choose life. That means we live fully in the present. We choose relationships with others. We appreciate the beauty of creation and seek to know the will of God. We choose to live this day fully, in contact with friends and loved ones, appreciating the beauty around us, and helping those we can.
Vaughn motivations and meditations
art the motivator
Daily motivations
Beauty of creation
Vaughn motivations and meditations
Art the motivator
Daily affirmations
Beauty of creation
Beauty of creation, meditation motivation affirmations

Beauty of creation, meditation motivation affirmations

Beauty of creation, meditation, motivation, affirmations


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