Ronda Rousey Open Workout Poster - Process
1) I collected 5 or 6 different photos of Rousey at past open workouts, training at Glendale Fighting Club (GFC), or getting her hand raised. I also found photos of a UFC championship belt and a Strikeforce championship belt, as Rousey has held titles in both organisations. Lastly I found the Reebok logo and the Monster Energy logo as they are sponsors of both the UFC and Rousey.
2) I narrowed down the photos I actually wanted to use by moving them around in Photoshop and experimenting with different compositions.
3) Once I landed on a composition I liked, I removed the backgrounds from the UFC and Strikeforce belts using layer masks. I also added a solid black banner behind them to visually unify them with each other and with the other images which have backgrounds that are overwhelmingly dark in value.
4) I resized and placed the Reebok and Monster logos side by side in the bottom right corner.
5) I added a layer of text that read "ROWDY" and adjusted/stretched the text so the letters themselves were wider, increased the spacing between the letters, and decreased the opacity.
6) I added another layer of text that gave the details of the event (what, where, when) and positioned it over the semi-transparent "Rowdy" - I also adjusted the spacing of this line.
7) Lastly, I added the address of GFC onto the bottom of the poster.
Rowdy Ronda Rousey

Rowdy Ronda Rousey


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