S l o w  d o w n 
静 下 来 . 来 下 静
Increased pressure in modern Chinese society has been pushing most people in cities live a fast-paced life. They always eat quickly, take the quickest means of transportation, and buy things quickly……They don't even have time for sleep, not to mention leisure.
Enjoying real life is such a luxury to those busy people....When fast becomes the theme of people's life, fewer and fewer people can stop to feel the meaning of life.
We don't have to pursue a slow life, but although we were born in cities, live in cities, we can't ignore the happiness we could get from leading a slow life as our ancestors did for generations.
Slow down with Ceremonie Tea. 

Tea table of bamboo and ceramic.

more info with https://www.instagram.com/jy_wang__/?hl=zh-cn
Slow down

Slow down
