Project that I started to develop some years ago and never finished. (By the way, if you want I can give you the permissions to continue it. Anyone who wants)

Browsergame engine, in this case I'm showing you the website about the manga series of Bleach.
Project that I started to develop some years ago and never finished. (By the way, if you want I can give you the permissions to continue it. Anyone who wants)

Browsergame engine, in this case I'm showing you the website about the manga series of Bleach.
 The NEW interface 
 The NEW interface 
 Old interface
 Old interface
 Ok, after the user interface of the front end, I'm going to show you the admin panel. 
Where everything is made:
 Ok, after the user interface of the front end, I'm going to show you the admin panel. 
Where everything is made:

Project that I started some years ago and never finished. It is still in development. If you want I can give you the files to continue it.


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