Perfil de Sabil Saberi

Week 7: Light and Scale

Name: Mini Car
Technique: Photography
Process: Using phone camera to take a photo of a small toy car and colour corrected on photoshop.
Reasoning: I thought with a low angle I could make the toy car look like a full sized car.
Improvements: I could have used a higher resolution camera and got to an even lower angle to make the car look even larger.
Name: Palm Tree
Technique: Photography
Process: Using phone camera to take a photo of this little bush from a low angle to make it look like a large palm tree.
Reasoning: I thought with a low angle I could make this small bush look much larger than it is.
Improvements: I could have taken it from a even lower angle to make it look even taller.
Name: Stars
Technique: Light Painting
Process: I tried to draw a star using light painting, instead creating an abstract image.
Reasoning: I thought this abstract image looked interesting and creative.
Improvements: It could have been a more of a concrete image.
Name: Roots 
Technique: Photography
Process: Using phone camera to take a photo of these roots which look much larger from a low angle.
Reasoning: I found these roots and got at a low angle to create the illusion of largeness.
Improvements: I could have used a more dynamic angle to enhance the illusion more or cropped out the leaves.
Name: Man
Technique: Photography
Process: Using phone camera to take a photo a toy man in the street to make him look large.
Reasoning: I thought from a low angle I could make the toy man look regular size.
Improvements: I could used a clearer image as it is quite blurry.
Week 7: Light and Scale

Week 7: Light and Scale


Sectores creativos