Superhero 2017
This was an assignment to design an effective logo for a superhero/villain. We had to come up with a useful concept and choose one that could comfortably sit on someone's chest. This is my process.
Superhero Logo
(Above) In the image above we were to sketch and design options for our logo. My character is a sci-fi warrior type with elements of a video game known as Warframe and bits from Ghost in Shell along with classic sci-fi elements. I wanted something simple and easy to print when designing, so I tried to keep it as simple as possible.
(above and the two images below) In the above picture, I had chosen my basic logo design. A key component was that it could translate well into grayscale. I wrote out the basics of my characters traits and proceeded to edit the logo accordingly. The language used is the tenno script from Warframe, and a big inspiration was the Illuminati from Secret World Legends.
(Below) In the final edit, I deleted the text below the main logo and added the primary color of my character to see if it highlights anything. It makes all colors stand out and the logo far more recognizable.
Superhero Poster
Our next assignment was to design the poster for the movie that the character was going to star in.
(above and below) We had to design two options for our poster. The above is the operator (otherwise known as the pilot) of the suit with a halo of spikes behind her and holy lighting placed behind her. This idea was scrapped due to difficulties in the design and time crunch issues. The poster below is the suit itself. The layout is inspired by minimalist game posters and made with a simple color scheme in mind. This one was chosen as the final poster due to its design and color scheme.
(below) This is the exact color scheme of the poster above. The colors are meant to draw attention to each other and contrast each other at the same time.
(below) This is the final edit of the poster.
logo creative blitz

logo creative blitz

