Laura Cheung's profile

W2 The passing of time

The passing of time
DXB202 Image Production Assessment 1
#oneperday week 2
Title: Extinct animals

Technique: drawing and shading

Process: an image of these extinct animals were searched on Google as a reference and then sketched onto paper. A 2B mechanical pencil was used. The drawing was then scanned onto the computer and has been edited on Photoshop make the drawing stand out by adjusting the contrast and levels.

Reasoning: while I was thinking about the change of existence and life, it made me think about how some things are impacted by human activity. It lead me to think about the extinction of animals and I chose the 3 animals that I liked and may have a possibility to still be living now, especially the Tazmanian Tiger. The Tazmanian Tiger has a special place in my heart because it is an Australian animal and I am Australian.

Reflection: I wanted to attempt to draw animals on paper using a pencil since I have not drawn animals much so I wanted to practice. I wanted to build on my realistic drawing skills. I am very happy with the result and I am quite surprised about it. Even though I've had some experience with drawing, drawing animals was quite challenging, especially when drawing realistically.
Title: The changing styles of architecture

Technique: drawing and outlining

Process: a Google search of colonial houses and modern houses was used as a reference for my drawings, and then sketched onto paper. The drawings have then been outlined to make the lines bolder. A 2B mechanical pencil was used, and a fine tip ink pen. The drawing was then scanned onto the computer and has been edited on Photoshop make the drawing stand out by adjusting the contrast and levels.

Reasoning: while I was thinking about the change of aesthetic styles, it made me think about how much nicer and simpler things look, including houses, clothes, etc. It lead me to think about the architecture and as a design student and a fan of aesthetics, I take interest in styles.

Reflection: I really like architecture and I wanted to have a shot at drawing it so I took this opportunity to attempt it. I drew on paper because I was most comfortable with it. I am happy with the results. Even though I've had some experience with drawing, drawing 3D buildings and without straight lines without a ruler was quite difficult and I was to practice on that skill. 
Title: Baby play

Technique: drawing, outlining, and digital painting (Adobe Photoshop)

Process: a real life baby in front of me was used as a reference while I was sketching it in a park. The drawings have then been outlined to make the lines bolder. A 2B mechanical pencil was used, and a fine tip ink pen. The drawing was then scanned onto the computer and has been edited on Photoshop make the drawing stand out by adjusting the contrast and levels.The paint bucket tool was used to fill colour in the areas.

Reasoning: while I was thinking about the growth of living organisms, I thought about humans, plants, bacteria, etc. I came to a conclusion that I wanted to illustrate a cartoon baby to depict the growth of human life, from the beginning of one life (a baby). 

Reflection: I wanted to try illustrate human characters in a 90s cartoon style so I took this opportunity to try it out. I first drew it on paper because I was most comfortable with it, then I painted digitally to polish it. I am happy with the results. I am not very skilled at drawing human figures and I wish to improve it. I want to try different styles of cartoon as well. It was my first time doing something like this and I plan to do more in the future.
Title: Seasons

Technique: drawing and water colouring

Process: an image of a water coloured tree from Google images was used as a reference. A light sketch of the tree was firstly done, then the water colour. The drawing was then scanned onto the computer and has been edited on Photoshop make the drawing stand out by adjusting the contrast.

Reasoning: I was thinking about the changing seasons and what it does to living organisms and how they adapt to it. To illustrate that in a simple way, I used a tree as a figure. 

Reflection: I wanted to try to illustrate with water colours. I have never illustrated anything with water colour before so I took this opportunity experiment. It didn't come out very successful and I am lacking experience with drawing trees so I plan to practice more in the future.
Title: Method of transport

Technique: drawing

Process: an image of a horse and a car was searched on Google as a reference and then sketched onto paper. A 2B mechanical pencil was used. The drawing was then scanned onto the computer and has been edited on Photoshop make the drawing stand out by adjusting the contrast and levels.

Reasoning: the change in technology came across my mind and one of the most important innovations was the invention of cars. It has allowed us to conveniently travel to places, and more. Although the use of animals as transport in daily life use has long gone, I wanted to show how it used to be something and is now history.
Reflection: just like stated before, I wanted to try draw animals, and this time I attempted to draw a car the best I can! I used pencil drawing because I am the most comfortable with it. It came out quite successful but i think i still need more practice.
W2 The passing of time

W2 The passing of time

A project about how I depict the topic "the passing of time"
