Astronomija, written by Nikola Božić and published by Kreativni centar, is a book that introduces young readers to the basic principles of astronomy, reveals a multitude of interesting facts that are connected with it. By doing the practical exercises proposed in the book, child can discover and learn more about the different fields of astronomy, as well as to find the north star, to mark its own meridian, monitor Moon phases, recognize constellations...

Kreativni centar's website.

The book has been awarded for Best illustration at the Belgrade book in 2012.

Nikola Božić, the author of the book, sending greetings to his mom.
"Wondering if mom's birthday falls tomorrow or on the day after..."
Ancient astronomical observation.
"It's so true!"
People of the early age accepting what they see
Nicolaus Copernicus keeping his fight

"The key to great discoveries lies in the imagination!"
"Man, where was the Great bear..."
"You'll have to wait for the high tide!"

"The dragon is eating our sun again!"
Ancient Chinese beleif
"Unfortunately, we cant  allow you the membership from this year on, Mr Pluto."
Stamp in honor of Yuri Gagarin
First man on the Moon
Opposing theories concerning the future of Universe
"Oh, yes...the Space is expanding!"


Astronomy is the children book aimed to popularize this science among the young population.


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