Alyssa Audrey Y. sin profil

Poster Design: Opportunity for LGBT

Opportunity for LGBT
an awareness poster, selected by the Taiwan International Student Design Competition (TISDC) as one of the few finalists
In the modern era of the downfall of civilization, there is no doubt that the LGBT community is often rejected by society, especially from the older generations. However, according to the statistics by YouGov UK, it is concluded that 1 in 2 of the younger generation is 100% homosexual. 72% of the adults are exclusively heterosexual, while 46% of the young people are not straight.

Certain countries like South Africa, Canada, and the United States of America have already allowed same-sex activities, such as marriage, to be carried out in their country. On the contrary, some Southeast Asian countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia have allowed their people to carry out same-sex activities, but particularly for females ONLY.

Of course, there are other countries that forbid their people to initiate same-sex activities and marriage as it is against the law, as well as their religions. However, truthfully, every individual cannot control their sexuality as it is by nature's will. Subsequently, people of all generations are bound to accept the changes that occur throughout the years, in terms of sexual orientation existing along as a continuum rather than a binary choice.

Which brings this paragraph to a conclusion. I decided to create an awareness poster, particularly for the LGBT community, to convey a message that everybody is human. To tell everybody to love whoever they want to, to be whoever they want to be, regardless of race, gender, religion, and sexuality.


As opportunity is for ALL.
The design is inspired by AMBIGUITY. 

The poster shows an androgynous figure with a beard and red luscious lips, wrapped fully with newspaper articles about bullying, mistakes and about being different. I covered these articles around the ambiguous figure as a metaphor to convey the sufferings and hardships of the LGBT community; what they have to go through every single day being a "different" person out of the ordinary.

I want to stand up and make a difference to the public, to tell them that the LGBT community is filled with people who are sorrowful as they do not get accepted, resulting in them to think they are not good enough for the society. I want them to realize that they (LGBT community) can be as confident as an every-day normal human being.
Poster Design: Opportunity for LGBT


Poster Design: Opportunity for LGBT
