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Architecture: Leonardo Da Vinci (1)

Week One: Of the first week, we were given the task to draw any object that can hold the capacity of water. For my drawing, I sketched a spray-bottle (as shown below). As you may, or may not be able to see, I tried to in-cooperate shading with light shades from the left side, to darker shades on the right, interpreting as if the sun was shining on the left side. 

From the sketch above, I went one.on.one with my teacher, I received feedback on the things I did well and things that I could improve on. To sum up what the feedback was, is to shade darker because my teacher knew I was afraid to mess up my sketch. It took me a few moments to realize that it's okay if I mess up my drawing - that's how we improve. From here on, I understood to not be afraid to shade darker to give the viewer a vibe of a "real object". Redoing my drawing, below is the feedback given and the improvements process artwork from before (above) and after (shown below). 
PART 2: The second task of this week was to research an individual architect and create a Photoshop as well as a 5-minute presentation on this individual. The individual that I decided to pick was Leonardo Da Vinci. The reasoning for this was nothing in specific. One of the archetics 

personally knew was Leonardo Da Vinci 
One of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous architect sketches was of the Central Plan Building, or also known as the Greek-Cross Plan which was designed during the 1480’s. This design got me questioning the perspective Da Vinci views the world, and how his mind works. he doesn’t limit his ideas to the study of art as he also incorporated ideas to do with math and engineering. After analyzing this sketch, what can be learned about Leonardo da Vinci is that he is ambidextrous, and seems to have taken a great interest in symmetry (such as having equal lengths so nothing would be dominant) as well as reflections.
Above shows the final image of my visual poster on Leonardo Da Vinci. 
Architecture: Leonardo Da Vinci (1)

Architecture: Leonardo Da Vinci (1)

Small description of a sketch on a spray bottle, followed by Adobe Photoshop poster on Leonardo Da Vinci and his architecture work.
