Daniele Lemos's profile

Animações (Motion Graphics)

Motion graphics videos created with After Effects and Premiere Pro.​​​​​​​

Um Mundo Melhor (A Better World)
End-of-year presentation video of Balão Azul Educational Center, in Porto Alegre - Brazil.
Blurred version to preserve children's identity.

Dicas para fazer sua matrícula no Portal do Aluno UFRGS
(Tips to make your enrollment in the UFRGS Student Portal)
Video with tips and answers to the main questions of the students about the enrollment process
 of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Narration: Daniele Lemos

Lobogames - Pong Hau K'i
Instructions demonstration of a board game.
Narration: Daniele Lemos

TV Engenharia
Opening of TV Engenharia, internal video channel of the School of Engineering of UFRGS.

Squirrel! - Dug, the Talking Dog
First experiments with kinetic typography. Animation of a quote from the movie "Up".
Animações (Motion Graphics)

Animações (Motion Graphics)
