This was the result of my Final Major Project back in College. I class this as my best work in the 3D realm. Working on designing this as a concept and then building it into an almost tangible object in Maya was very rewarding. I had fun with the lighting rig on the set and also with the reflecting maps on the glass display. 
Personal Logos
My logo, its previous form followed by it's current form.
I had a lot of fun creating myself a logo, while it did take a long time, I'm finally happy with the current outcome. As they say, yourself being the hardest client to impress.
Lurve Monstr
This was the result of a small project in College. We had to create a character and then set him/her up a rig so they could be animated.
I decided to create this blue, fluffy, love monster taking inspiration from the cookie monster and the honey monster.
One of the first thing we built in Maya was this Banana from a poly primative cube, using only deformers. We manipulated the shape using deformers and applied a simple blinn, smoothed the poly's once to create a smooth finish.