Profil użytkownika „Vika Yaskevich”

История рубашек/Shirt story

История рубашек/Shirt story
"In my wardrobe
I have garments 
that I no longer wear. 
What a pity to throw them away, 
but there's just no one else 
I could give them to".
Familiar situation?
Recently fabric cover of this notebook
used to be a part of a shirt
that was no longer worn. 
It wasn't thrown away or left in wardrobe.
The material was reused and as a result
a unique product was created.​​​​​​​
Recycling and reusing things 
reduce the amount of natural resources needed to produce new goods
and give them a new life. ​​​​​​​

Thanks for your appreciation!
История рубашек/Shirt story

История рубашек/Shirt story
