Google Wanderlust 
Bachelor thesis project to improve the mechanism to Study Abroad 
Making the decision of studying abroad involves not only facing the fact of leaving your known world behind, but also engaging in the exhausting process of gathering information and following through to achieve the desired goal. This involves a physical and mental challenge for the applicant.
If Institutions and Servers, aware of this problem, would decide to act and simplify the process by designing a more dynamic and e cient solution, studying abroad would become costume of the modern world that would spread advantages to the applicants, institutions, world culture and societies.
In that line of thought, Google Wanderlust is proposed as a website and mobile application, through which information about studying abroad can be reached and spread in a simple, efficient, and dynamic manner.

BA - Advertising Design 
HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen

Conceptualization and Design/Illustrations: Ana María Botero
Conceptualization and Market research : Lorena González

After analyzing the target group and doing the needed investigation on study abroad, the characteristic of the website was established as: friend- ly, simple, quick, visual, affordable, smart, and practical.
Based on Google’s mission “to take the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”. 
After researching about how the platform and app would access all information needed for the support, it was decided that through Google the data could be accessed and filtered efficiently. The website and app would function as an extension of Google, and for that reason, Google’s Guidelines for design and functionality were the bases of the visual identity of the proposed work.

Google has nothing to do with this project. It is not an official Google extension.  
Google Wanderlust

Google Wanderlust
