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Poster designs for "Showdown to the White House".

Poster designs for "Showdown to the White House".
Even the most confident people need reassurance sometimes and so they turn to positive affirmations (positive phrases that you repeat to yourself which describe how you want to be). The theory is that when you first start saying your positive affirmations, they may not be true, but with repetition they sink into your subconscious mind, you really start to believe them, and eventually they become your reality, they become a self fulfilling prophecy and actually become true.
With Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump in the polls, albeit by a narrow margin, and many people feeling that Trump has no business even in the Presidential race, I thought it was only fitting to compare the candidates to the fonts that most closely resembles them. Helvetica (like Hillary) being one of the most popular and Comic Sans (like Trump) being one of the most disliked.
Papyrus and Comic Sans never get any love. That's because they are two of the most disliked fonts just like Hillary and Donald are two of the most disliked Presidential candidates.
This design depicts a classic "head to head" matchup between the two most well-known political parties in America...the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The design focuses on the Donkey and the Elephant which are the two symbols for these parties. The design also includes the logos for the presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
This presidential design focuses on Hillary Clinton's campaign slogan (Hillary for America) along with the Democratic Party's animal symbol (The Donkey). #HillaryClinton2016
This presidential design focuses on Donald Trump's campaign slogan (Make America Great Again) along with the Republican Party's animal symbol (The Elephant). #DonaldTrump2016
Which political party do you support? Take the BLUE pin (Democratic Party button) and the story ends. That's because Hillary Clinton has been in politics for years and we already know what she brings to the table. Take the RED pin (Republican Party button) and see how far down the rabbit hole Donald Trump takes you. That's because 'The Donald' is new to the political arena and his term would be filled with the unknown.
Poster designs for "Showdown to the White House".

Poster designs for "Showdown to the White House".

Poster designs for "Showdown to the White House": The 2016 Presidential Election.
