“How would you explain math operations without numbers?”

A random chat with Christian Montenegro in-between horse-racing bets (true story) became our new studio project: Animath. 

The challenge is to show math operations using only geometry, characters and animation.
In this first episode of the series: subtraction.

We love finding a good excuse to have fun, create stuff we are proud of, and get the chance to work with people we admire like Christian. We are all music freaks as well so it was lots of fun generating all music and sound design from scratch at the studio.

Direction · Christian Montenegro and Ale Pixel Studio
Illustration · Christian Montenegro
Art Direction, Design and Animation · Ale Pixel Studio
Music and Sound Design · Ale Pixel Studio
Production · Ale Pixel Studio
Date · 2017


"How would you explain math operations without numbers?" A random chat with Christian Montenegro in-between horse-racing bets (true story) became 자세히 보기
