Hailene Joy's profile

principles of animation

G R A D E  T E N
P R I N C I P L E S  O F
A N H R 3 S // M O H R 3 S
2 0 1 7

H A I L E N E  J O Y 
~ T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S ~
Project 1: Storyboard
Project 2: Principles of Animation I (Arc, Squash & Stretch, Straight Ahead & Pose to Pose, Slow In & Slow Out)
Project 3: Principles of Animation II (Timing, Exaggeration, Anticipation, Staging)
Project 4: Principles of Animation III (Follow Through, Solid Drawing, Appeal, Secondary Action)

s/o  to Mr. Leduc and AlanBeckerTutorials for teaching a hopeless student like me lol
P R O J E C T 1
the box
sorry for the trashiness i couldnt rlly try that hard cos i was just starting to get used to Adobe Flash and my main focus was getting comfortable and learning stuff​​​​​​​
P R O J E C T 2
Principles of Animation I
arc, squash & stretch, straight ahead & pose to pose, and slow in & slow out
arc // movement in a circular, or rounded path
squash & stretch // making an object appear exaggeratedly longer/flatter to emphasize speed, momentum, weight, and mass
straight ahead // animating as you go frame by frame
pose to pose // animating the beginning and end pose of each significant movement and filling in the frames in between
slow in & slow out // shows how speed of object accelerates/decelerates as t begins to move/stop
P R O J E C T 3
Principles of Animation II
timing, exaggeration, anticipation, and staging
timing // shows how that the number of frames between each main action determines the speed of the animation
exaggeration // takingan action, pose or expression to the next level to be more convincing
anticipation // object prepares for action to let the audience know what to expect so the animation flows better
staging // presentation of any idea so that it is unmistakingly clear
P R O J E C T 4
Principles of Animation III
follow through, solid drawing, appeal, secondary action
follow through // having body parts or appendages drag behind while main body is moving, and continue to move while the main body has stopped
solid drawing // making sure forms fill up 3 dimensional space with volume, weight, and balance
appeal // being pleasing to look like using dynamic design
secondary action // gestures that support the main action to add more dimension
principles of animation

principles of animation

this is my principles of animation unit
