Portrait, 2017, 8”x10”, digital photography.
Portrait utilizing a traditional "butterfly" lighting design on a high-key set.
Nude, 2017, 8”x10”, digital photography.
Nude study of a figure under directional light using soft lighting and low-key contrast.
Fire Eater I, 2017, 8”x10”, digital photography.
Location photograph of fire performance. Strobist-style lighting, using gels for color effects, and shutter speed control for motion emphasis.
Fire Eater II, 2017, 8”x10”, digital photography.
Location photograph of fire performance. Strobist-style lighting, using gels for color effects, and shutter speed control for motion emphasis.
Dark Lady, 2017, 8”x10”, digital photography.
Avante garde portrait. Wing lighting.
Lady Stardust, 2017, 8”x10”, digital photography.
Avante garde portrait. Beauty dish modified as ring flash with soft light used.
Studio Photography


Studio Photography

Photography focusing on the use of additional and modified light.


Creative Fields