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Camlin Magical World Contest

Camlin Magical world contest

Kokuyo Camlin, the leading stationery conglomerate, had just launched their Facebook page and were looking to drive organic traffic instead of promoting it. 
With Children’s Day around the corner, we saw this as an opportunity to engage with children and parents, and generate meaningful conversation over social media. For this, we started off by creating a ‘join the dots’ print ad for children. All they had to do, was complete the illustration and colour it before asking their parents to upload it on our Facebook page. 
The Golden Insight:
Every child is a trophy for their parents. And that alone, will make parents upload their children’s drawings on our page. We also organised a painting camp for street children, where we let them unleash their imagination on paper. Their paintings were captured, and the film was uploaded on our Facebook page. 
The result:
Over 2000 parents uploaded pictures of their little one’s talent. The painting camp’s film was widely appreciated and shared over 640 times, garnering over 1,00,000 views on the same day. Kokuyo Camlin’s Facebook page trended locally and saw a staggering 9900% increase in page likes. All in one day. 

But more importantly, we inspired creativity in thousands of children – the reason why Kokuyo Camlin exists.

Bombay Times Print ad
Case Study
Camlin Magical World Contest


Camlin Magical World Contest
