The Juicery

The Juicery is a functional eatery, all products are nutricionally balanced to get the right amount of calories, macronutrients and micronutrients combined in a delicious snack to eat right before working out or any time of the day. The ultimate goal of the juicery is to encourage people to live better.

All juices are raw and cold pressed, made from unique vegetables and fruits combinations. Smoothies and toasts are prepared with fresh local ingredients. 

I created a monochromatic scheme with a pure and minimal art direction where the attention was focused in the main product to express easy user experience and consumption.

+ Art Direction +  Paola Sánchez  Espacio Crudo
+ Food Styling + Natalia Londoño  Espacio Crudo
+ Photography + Francisco Contreras

For stories and daily life behind the scenes, follow us on Instagram @espacio_crudo

More Information:
Bogotá - Colombia

The Juicery