Remix of "Trans" UE4 screengrabs-inspired by: 
I] VERBALS of - A Tribe Called Quest's seminal album "Peoples Instinctive Travels & the Paths of Rhythm"
II] VISUALS of "The Low End Theory" - album cover

The Ecology of all spatial continuums - in particular Cyberspace will be filled with the 
"Instinctive Travels" of trans-human pilgrims. Seekers on quests to discover something about the truth of being.

As humans co-evolve with: each other / nature / technology .. we create new realities & modes of inter-being.
Co-terminus - they will overlap + live through & across each other:
Let the wisdom of the heart be ever-present in our new creations.

"...We have no destination - we are on a quest"

#Glitch Art
#Find Your Tribe
#A Tribe Called Quest
#Abstract Game Art - screengrab remix
[TRANS] Tribe remix

[TRANS] Tribe remix

TRIBE Remix of "Trans" UE4 screengrabs - inspired by A Tribe Called Quest.
