Gemma Homer profili

Eat bugs, save the world

Live brief set by NB Studio:
"Create a brand that uses and promotes insects as food". 

For this project I worked collaboratively with another student, Bethany Liversidge.

Together we came up with the idea of creating a line of protein bars, made with cricket flour, called 'Chiirpy'. 
We believed that creating protein bars was a good route to explore more as many insects have a high protein content. 

Mission Statement: 

“To implement crickets as an alternative, sustainable, high protein source to older women interested in fitness.”

Target Audience:
"Women aged between 35-55 years old."


Name/Logo Development


Final Name/Logo



Final Colour Scheme


Final 'Chiirpy' Protein Bars


Advertising placed in context where target audience would most likely see it




Eat bugs, save the world
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Eat bugs, save the world

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