Refresh the page

This three-in-one poster has been designed for a special exhibition at Tomato Backpackers Hostel, during the Torino Graphic Days Festival 2017.

Appostissimo asked to eight young illustrators and graphic designers based in Turin to visualise the fast changes of nowadays and the inability to take hold of an eternal notion: everything is in becoming.

"Refresh the page" represents three types of changes that constantly upset our lives: environmental, economics and social mutations. Each of them happens at different speeds and it conditions in different ways our lives. The consequences (positives and negatives) define new standards and hierarchies, and force adaptability for complex scenarios. It's necessary being constantly updated to not be left behind: the flux of informations in real time reflects then a world in constant evolution, but it's impossible to obtain a clear vision of all.

Music: Broken Mirror, 01110010          CC License
Refresh The Page


Refresh The Page

A three-in-one poster about the rapid changes of nowadays.
