Profilo di Rigardt Greyling

Fjord Everyday-Carry Storage

Simplicity and comfort at the end of a chaotic day.
Fjord's design breaks away from traditional storage systems. While LED lights emit ambient light, this easy-access system makes storing everyday carry effortless. Merely unzip the water-resistant fabric cover to safely store your gear in scratch-free pockets. 
Fjord's Design
Fjord is constructed from a water-resistant fabric cover stretched over a machined maple wood frame. The fabric inners ensure that items can be stored in a simple-to-use, scratch-free environment. A zip provides quick access to the unit whilst ensuring that contents are fully concealed when stored.
Cyclist Commuters.
Whilst focusing on general everyday carry, Fjord is also designed to cater for cyclist commuters. It provides concealed storage for eyewear, tools and other cycling gear. Fjord also allocates a discreet pocket to securing a cycling helmet in the space behind the unit.
Fjord Everyday-Carry Storage

Fjord Everyday-Carry Storage
