Sung Hwan Jang's profile

1708 Cake Infographic Poster

Art of Layer
Street H_2017.08_Vol.99

Cakes are always appear at the spot of every celebration. Since the cake arrived in Korea, we have made remarkable progress. Now it is uncountable depending on the material and manufacturing method that various cakes are being made. Thanks to the boom of the dessert culture, the world of the cake which is still evolving is included in the infographic.

모든 축하의 자리에 빠지지 않고 등장하는 케이크. 우리나라에 들어온 이후로 놀라운 진화를 거듭해 이제는 재료와 제조방식에 따라 헤아릴 수 없을 만큼 다양한 케이크가 만들어지고 있다. 디저트 문화의 붐에 힘입어 지금도 계속 진화하고 있는 케이크의 세계를 인포그래픽에 담았다.
Sung-Hwan Jang
Current 203 X Design Studio CEO | He worked as an editorial designer in <Reader's Digest>, 'Yonhap News' Graphic News Team, <Weekly Dong-a>, <Science Dong-a> and established the 203 X Design Studio in 2003 in front of Hongik University. Since then, he has been publishing a neighborhood magazine <Street H>, which records the events around Hongik University in 2009, He founded the Infographic Lab 203 in 2012 and hosted the Infographic Group Exhibition at YOON DesignLab Gallery.

This poster can be purchased at the following sites.
Price: 12,000(KRW)
Paper: Rendezvous 130g(500 X 700mm)

이 포스터는 아래 사이트에서 구매할 수 있습니다.
가격: 12,000원
종이: 랑데뷰 130g(500 X 700mm)
1708 Cake Infographic Poster

1708 Cake Infographic Poster

A cake that does not fall into the spot of every celebration. Since our arrival in Korea, we have made remarkable progress. Now it is imperceptib Read More
