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Augment | Cover, Logo, UI/UX

[2017.08.30]Augment Magazine Vol.1 cover



自从“增强现实(AR,Augmented Reality)”被提出后已经经过了27年。然而,增强现实如今只能通过眼镜或者头戴显示器才能看到,并不具有广泛的认知度。我一直很憧憬于增强现实,所以就借这次设计杂志封面的机会,尝试着将自己想象的增强现实时代描绘了出来。



The concept of Augmented Reality was first put forward 27 years ago. However, after 27 years, we still need a special pair of glasses or a head-mounted device to see the augmented reality. It hasn’t been widely understood yet. As it has always been my deepest longing for the future, I use this opportunity to show my imaginations of the era of AR.

From my imaginations, the interface can be seen everywhere through AR transceiver to augment the user’s vision. The transceivers will be widely implanted in human bodies and interacted by different gestures. And in the user’s vision, the interface will be as real as anything around, completely blended in the surroundings. 

The scope of the information displayed will be depend on different situations, or set manually. The user can set it to privacy, which can be only seen by himself. If the user agrees to share, then the information will also be in others’ visions.






After taking the photo in Shinjuku, I used it as a background and designed an AR interface in first person view based on the above settings. The person in the picture is waiting for a taxi using the AR interface.

When AR is popularized, things like magazines will exist in the form of interactive information through AR interface as well. Although magazines will be no longer made of paper, there will still be news and interviews about everything happening around the world, including AR itself. And there comes ‘Augment’. 

This magazine will be published monthly, introducing recent news of Extense (the name of AR transceiver), new AR services, interviews and special columns of AR developers. Not only the users, but also those are interested in AR will read it. Although it requires the reader to have some professional knowledge, it will be very beneficial and inseparable from people’s life in the age of AR.
Augment | Cover, Logo, UI/UX


Augment | Cover, Logo, UI/UX

[2017.08.30]Augment Magazine Vol.1 cover
