Nationale Nederlanden Poland website

We won a pitch for ING Life Insurance website redesign when the company was in the middle of a process of separating from ING Group and changing it's name to Nationale Nederlanden. We had to implement the new global corporate identity on the Polish market. And the new website needed to be ready before the upcoming rebranding, so the deadline was extremely important. 
Life insurance products are complex. They are mostly sold by the agents, not online, and personal advice from the agent is essential. Customers don't have the knowledge and motivation to understand life insurance products, and most of the Polish consumers don't even feel the need to possess life insurance. So our idea was that the website shouldn't be about products at all, but it should focus on human needs and life situations when insurance might be helpful.
Education about products is pointless if users' motivation is low and subject matter is very hard to understand. Instead we wanted to show the whole range of insurance solutions offered by Nationale Nederlanden, make customers think about their future and life goals, inspire them, and then invite them to take a shortcut and meet the agent. They don't need to read about products in detail (although they can), because the agent will customize the products to their needs.
Our UX Designer and Art Director worked on the design together right from the beginning of the project. The first simple wireframes and site structure were created during workshops with the client. We never showed our wireframes to the client, if we did any wireframing at all, it was on paper and only for internal use of the design team. The final products for the client were visual designs of the site's key pages.

The website is fully responsive, accessible on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

We have also designed the interface of the new self-service web application for existing clients.
What we did

• Strategy, UX & visual design
• Video production
• Front-end & back-end development
Read more about our ideas for the insurance business:

Nationale Nederlanden Poland website