Shachar Oz's profile

Resonai: Unity Visual Search

Searching By The Shape Opens a New Opportunities To Developers, And a Way Faster Cycles
INDUSTRY: Technology
SKILLS: UX, Rapid Prototyping, Programming
AWARDS: Client managed to partner with Unity 3D with the help of this product
PRESS: Unite 2018, Unity website
Unity Visual Search is a plugin for the Unity 3D platform that offers intuitive search for 3D models based on their shape.

Resonai develops advanced technologies aiming to assist computers to understand the world around them, and lead a revolution in the area of content creation in the worlds of 3D, AR and VR. 

I joined Resonai for a short term project to redesign the UI and UX of the plugin. I ended up also programming the UI system for the Unity Editor, designing the product website and suggesting future product features. The UX today has some updates, but is still very similar to the way I left it and has kept the guidelines I wrote.

A long term agreement was signed between Unity and Resonai to push this technology forward. Unity is now also publishing articles about the plugin, and this is a great honor.
This is the UI how I left it, and you can see the video at the top for the existing product.
Sadly, I cannot show you the state of the product before me, out of respect to the client. But trust me when I say that it was nothing like this :)
The UI before I arrived. Just to show the big difference that I added to the system. 
Once you clicked on an item, it turned to yellow background, and opened another window with similar items. There was a multiple scroll interaction to left and right, as well as to up and down in each window. Very complex control mechanism that resembles no known system.
One of my other suggestions, was to use an interface like this. Just if the client would insist on staying with the new control mechanism. In this suggestion, if you want to go backwards in your search steps, you have only one button to click on. The scroll mechanism only works in the right most panel.
Resonai: Unity Visual Search

Resonai: Unity Visual Search

unity plugin to search for assets visually
