BAO Coffee Roasting Lab | Branding & Strategy Design

BAO | Coffee Roasting Lab / 煲咖啡品牌識別規劃

Agency / 設計單位 :
Art Direction / 藝術指導 : Yi-Hsuan Li 李宜軒
Concept and Visual System Design / 概念及視覺系統設計: Yi-Hsuan Li 李宜軒
Logo Animation Direction: Group G
Chinese Typography Design / 中文標準字設計 : Bohan Shih
Logo Animation Direction | Group.G 谷汩文化
Logo Animator | Li Feng 鄭利豐

Client : BAO | Coffee Roasting Lab
Date : Aug. 2017

框景即利用門框、窗框造景。透過門窗往外看,或山水立軸,或平湖手卷,或 幽蘭扇面,或竹石花鳥冊,一幅幅真實立體的畫呈現於眼前,美不勝收。 以框取圈景,景在框中,景與框的關係密不可分,煲咖啡標誌設計以框景為概念發展,往外望去,即見優雅的咖啡枝葉,咖啡來自西方,花窗源自東方,在東方優雅底蘊中望見屬於西方的咖啡枝,兩者相融相成,東西合璧,為煲咖啡想呈現給咖啡愛好者獨特的品味與精神。

Using door frames and window frames to create enframed scenery. Look out of doors and windows, those real picturesque views on landscape scrolls and hanging scrolls, orchid fans, or nature albums, are all presented in front of you. Using the frame to capture the view, and the view would be framed; thus the frame and the view would be inseparable and integral. Enframed scenery is the design concept for the standard coffee roasting. Look outside and you’ll see those elegant coffee branches and leaves. Coffee comes from the west, and the window grill comes from the east. Beneath the eastern elegance stand the western coffee branches. The two integrate harmoniously and complement each other. And this is exactly the unique spirit and taste that roasting coffee aims to bring to coffee lovers.

Designed by StudioPros
To know more details, please click Here


BAO Coffee Roasting Lab | Branding & Strategy Design

Project Made For

BAO Coffee Roasting Lab | Branding & Strategy Design

Using door frames and window frames to create enframed scenery. Look out of doors and windows, those real picturesque views on landscape scrolls Read More
