Arturo Gil's profile


Promotional video for the upcoming course at the online "Undoing University", Command Z.

Design, animation, audio design: Arturo Gil

"...And now that we’ve built an Inner Circle of active and advanced clients, we’re reaching out more. We know there are people out there who, like us in former years, are wandering, drifting from one practice, one ideology, one belief system to another, still looking for a practice with enough impact to finally put the search to rest. Our goal is to not to provide a belief system or dogma, but an alternative to belief: A proven method of major brain change and life change, and a context within which to explore it.
We have no interest in playing Guru or posturing as somehow superior to our clients. We just happen to know a lot about these techniques, and we know how to teach them. And if we know any “secret,” this is it: That crazy idea you have, the one that inspires you and terrifies you, that you talk about, wide-eyed, with your friends over drinks, the one you know is real because you feel its reality—that’s your mission. Accept it."
Riley Holland
Portland, OR, 2011


Promotional video for the upcoming course at Garret Daun´s and Riley Holland´s online "Undoing University", Command Z.
