Profil von Eve Koivurinta

Working on a Soap Opera

Working on a Soap Opera
I worked for two months on the most popular soap opera in Finland, 'Secret Lives' (Salatut Elämät). My role as a set designer's assistant included dressing sets, making small props and creating paperwork, such as labels and contract papers, that were "image proof" - without brand logos. 
Above is a selection of products I re-labelled for the shop set using Photoshop. I also made several other labels, restaurant menus, signs and other papers used on the show.
The biggest task I was given was to dirty down and age a bathroom, used for a monastery scene. I used acrylic paint, since the bathroom needed to be washed clean afterwards. I also made a few lampshades for new sets, helped re-dress and paint existing sets and went around town buying props. I also created a set of Emojis for the show to use on their texts shown on screen. 
Working on a Soap Opera

Working on a Soap Opera
