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Passover_The Rehearsal

“Passover–The Rehearsal” is writen to the son of peace. Passover (Pesach) is one of the three pilgrimage festivals together with Pentecost (Shavuot) and Tabernacles (Sukkot). It is proclaim that this are the feasts of Yahweh (Lev. 23: 1-2). This book will brings you go into deeper understanding of the feast of Passover, the feast of Unleaven Bread and the feast of Firstfruits which being fulfilled by Jesus Christ. In an article that publish on 13 Mar. 2008 under the category of the 10 future revolution by David Van Biema in Time magazine – Re-Judaizing Jesus said this “That’s not a frivolous query. Ideally, the reassessment should increase both Jewish-Christian amity and gospel clarity, things that won’t happen 
if regular Christians feel that in rediscovering Jesus the Jew, they have lost Christ.”by Bell and he finds this particular genie so logically powerful that he has no wish to rebottle it. Once in, he says, “you’re in deep. You’re hooked. ‘Cause you can’t ever read it the same way again.”
Passover_The Rehearsal

Passover_The Rehearsal
