FARMSMART is a concept and project I have been working on for a while.  It is primarily an idea executed to run as a South African government initiative to help farmers conduct their daily farming activities without compromising the health of their most important asset, soil.  The campaign takes more of an educational stance where farmers can learn from the information provided to them either on the App or an Informational Brochure.

My main insight was that increasingly the mismanagement of livestock has become a significant contributors in the rise of soil erosion and land degradation in South Africa.  This mismanagement of livestock in fields and pastures leads to overgrazing. 
Farm Smart offers farmers a forum to gain information and insight on how to properly manage their livestock and maintain soil health.
The purpose of this app is to combat soil erosion and land degradation by informing these farmers on the right way to set up grazing systems.


App design and UI/UX passion project that revolves around the idea of saving one of the Earths' most valuable resources, soil. the App helps farm Read More
