Johanna Döring's profile

… denn er wurde gerade erst vermisst.

…denn er wurde gerade erst vermisst.
layout for joint book project

a book project from 11 illustrators each contributing in their own style while intertwining first and last page with the previous and next one in a joint illustration. the title »…denn er wurde grade vermisst.« (…because he was recently missed.) is a randomly picked phrase from a crime novel and provides the overall theme of missing and loss to the works.
in november 2013 the book release was celebrated with an exhibition and party at frappant e.v.
watch my illustrations in more detail here:  that place


cover illustrations: sylvie ringer and neele bunjes (bear), lettering by johanna creutzburg

endpaper design: anne rücker with drawings from all
… denn er wurde gerade erst vermisst.

… denn er wurde gerade erst vermisst.

book design
