2017 MCP Exhibition - BORDERLESS



BORDERLESS means a free creative activity in which different members gather to form a team, view problem through viewpoint of each team, and challenge innovation by creating a new concept. BORDERLESS means "no boundaries" in a dictionary meaning, and it has a meaning of talentism, suggesting the direction of Samsung design membership and MCP project.

Individuals who develop the combined complexity will organically communicate with each other through the 2017 MCP and accumulate their abilities to engage in one project enthusiastically and freely. 2017 MCP BORDERLESS hopes to create a place where design membership members gather together to demonstrate the time and the results they have been experiencing without obligation to the fields and items by demonstrating observation, intuition and creativity.

Half Tone

The MCP exhibition is a convergence project where people from all fields gather, communicate, empathize and engage in one concept. We have defined BORDERLESS as the process of completing one work by gathering different people and abilities, and further extended the BORDERLESS for convergence to the individual, team, and MCP. In order to represent this concept graphically, 1: 2: 3 ratios were applied to the layout, and a number of small dots were used as the identity of BORDERLESS, which is a halftone that naturally fuses into one form.

Motion Graphic

Motion Graphic is a device that makes exhibition concept easier and more active. It allows visitors to be more immersed in concept. Using Borderless's graphic motif, Halftone, I captured the meaning of Borderless. The image is composed of ‘dots' which is the basic unit of Halftone, which crosses each boundary, and ‘Halftone' which is a graphical change of Borderless. Point means individual member and Halftone made by collecting points means Membership immersed in project without boundaries.


2017 MCP - BORDERLESS Exhibition Identity Design
Project period : 2017 Summer
Borderless team : Jiyoon Kim, Seongil Park, Jusang Jang, Kihyun Kim
Project Management : Samsung Design Membership

2017 MCP Exhibition - BORDERLESS