Daniel Ng profili

Sneaker Head Culture Publication

For my publication book, I choose a topic called Sneaker head World. I choose this title for my book because I want people to know what is sneaker head culture all about and how sneakers can be deal in styles and marketing.
The objective is also about interviewing with sneaker heads so that my target audience can understand more about sneaker head culture and know more about their experiences as a sneaker head. I want to show people that sneakers is not only when we buy it and wear it on. I want to show them how the sneakers were brought into the world by famous artist not only that but also how to appreciate the sneakers and how to be a sneaker heads.

Target Audience
This Sneaker head World book is targeted to young adults mostly guys around age 18 years old and above who mostly love to read sneakers magazine and collect sneakers at the same time. Not only that, it is also targeted to young adults who just started to collect sneakers and get into the sneaker world. Then this book is definitely one of a best choices. This is book is also targeted to those sneakers reseller because they mostly buy sneakers not to collects them or wearing it them but instead of it they sell the sneakers into a higher price than the actual price. This is the reason why I want to do this book to show them the importance of sneakers.

The design and content of this book will mostly looks like a magazine book design and content feeling. Because my book content are mostly consists of photography images and interview sessions. The most interesting part about this book is about to treasure the importance of sneakers through the photographed images. Moreover, another interesting part about this book is there are few pages such as ‘Interview’ pages you can open it up into another spread pages. Where all the information about the interview person into 1 whole spread. Whereby, you can see the interview person pictures and their information about being a sneaker heads side by side.
Overall layout.
Interview Content with Sneaker heads.
Content Layout.
Sneaker Head Culture Publication
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Sneaker Head Culture Publication

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