Profilo di Amelie Van Houdenhove

Permaculture, herbal spiral

Herbal spiral with roof tiles
Permaculture is bundle of knowledge to create and design a functional ecosystem around people, based on a system of agricultural and social design principles centered around simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems.
Some herbs need a lot of sunshine, some need more shadow, some need to stay out of cold wind, some need to stay close to water and others live in a rocky environment. Making on a small place, an upcoming spiral that creates a place for many different herbs. Choosing the perfect place is thinking about sun, wind and shadow and that for every season, so that all of the different herbs can grow like in there natural environment. Making zones in the spiral that have different compositions of soil, sand, break stone and rocks. 
Not only herbs grow and live there, a lot of little animals and insects find their home between the holes of the stones or close to the water.

Nothing is new in a herbal spiral, you can use everything to create you're own personal herbal spiral. In my case we had a lot of roof tiles at home (to make the walls of the spiral), an old sandpit (for the composition of the soil) and many old stones and broken roof tiles. Even the tub is given by the neighbors.

It was so much work to make this herbal spiral. But it was so fun to make, even the kids liked to help with this project. And we are still enjoying it!

Final high school assignment, 2012-2013
Permaculture, herbal spiral

Permaculture, herbal spiral

Making you're own herbal spiral.
