Profil appartenant à Klaud Wasiak

Volkswagen Moog
Design industriel
Master of Arts Degree, Umeå Institute of Design
Sponsored by Volkswagen Design (Wolfsburg)

A vehicle inspired by electronic music that suggests the visible and audible language our electric vehicles might have in our near future

The Moog suggests how the future electric Volkswagen might sound like in the near future. Not only through the sounds it produces, but also what its shapes and textures suggest. As electric vehicles take over as the standard vehicle for the masses there is an opportunity to create sounds different from those we’ve heard from vehicles in the past. It’s a chance to stimulate our cityscapes with something more expressive.

The Moog is a vehicle inspired by electronic music, more specifically minimal techno. It is a blend between Volkswagen’s brand philosophies and the characteristics of electronic music. The vehicle also touches on the historic path that electronic music took and to achieve a successful result, a mixture of recognizable and alien elements need to stand out as strong themes for the vehicle.
Physical 1/4 Model
The audio above is the engine revs the Moog would produce. Once again, the theme of using something recognizable and something alien was combined to produce noise an electronic music inspired car would make. In this case the vehicle is sporty and specific to this genre of music, but this project was an exercise to demonstrate how inspirational music can be to the design process.

Volkswagen Moog
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Volkswagen Moog

A vehicle inspired by electronic music which suggests the visual and audible language our electric vehicles might have in the near future.

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