Cuando le preguntás a un argentino por sus raíces, él te hablará de su barrio. Es que 
a nosotros nos pesan los barrios, nos moldean, nos dan identidad, acento, personalidad.
Tan fuerte es la presencia del barrio en nuestra sangre, que los poetas les dibujan rimas, los cantores les tallan milongas; los artistas los exaltan, recortan, destacan.
Entonces yo también quise hacer mi aporte. Soy argentino, ¿viste? Mi homenaje tiene 
la forma del diseño y mi idea es celebrar la cuna.
Una impronta personal que hable de mis vivencias, mi añoranza y de una búsqueda 
de infinidades de creaciones cosmopolitas. No se trata de representar sino de imaginar 
y experimentar el efecto de ese encuentro. 

Así arranco, con estos que ves acá, pero seguiré explorando, mapa en mano, porque todos los barrios porteños tienen algo lindo para contar. Y yo me siento payador.

When you ask Porteños (Argentinians born in Buenos Aires City) about their roots they’re going to talk about their neighborhood. We are bound to them, shaped by them, given our identity, accent and personality by them. That neighborhood’s DNA runs so deep into us that poets draw rimes, singers carves Milongas and artists praise, frame and shrine them.
So, I also wanted to pay my tribute. I am a Porteño, you know? My homage has the shape of design and my idea is to celebrate the cradle. 
A personal touch that speaks about my experiences and hopes. About a never ending search for infinite cosmopolitan creations. It is not about representing but imaging and experimenting the effect of that encounter. That is how this journey begins, with the ones that you can find down here. 

But I’ll keep exploring, map on hand, because every Porteño neighborhood has something beautiful to tell. And I am feeling like a payador.


Art prints available here

Thank you!

The Neighborhood's

The Neighborhood's

It is not about representing but imaging and experimenting the effect of that encounter. That is how this journey begins, with the ones that you Read More
