Profil użytkownika „Ricardo Pereira”

1st CEDOC Symposium - Graphic Design

1st CEDOC Symposium
on Chronic Diseases
Graphic Design, 2016

The 1st CEDOC Symposium on Chronic Diseases aimed to be a catalyst for further advancement in Ageing and Chronic Diseases research within Portugal. You can visit their main website on

It took place at the NOVA Lisbon University in 2016, organized by the CEDOC investigation center. I was responsible for designing all necessary graphic materials, including:

1. 'Save the Date' A5 flyer
2. Event A4 poster
3. A5 Speakers and attendee's badges
4. A5 Abstracts book
5. Homepage web banner
6. Facebook banner and profile picture

A photo over the landscape of Lisbon was also shot during the night.
The glittering lights of the urban landscape and the nightly stars would assure the background.

All remaining final results:

1st CEDOC Symposium - Graphic Design

1st CEDOC Symposium - Graphic Design

Branding material for a medical and scientific material.
