Chess is quite a simple game from the outlooks but getting deeper and deeper into the game it becomes quite challenging. I personally like chess, the strategy element in it and how you have to think your steps so much further than just for one move ahead and take into consideration different scenarios and all.

There are a lot of chess pieces to select from: tower, queen, king, knight, pawn and so on. I had this vision of drawing a horse a long time and so it came to my mind. AHA! I would draw a horse but make it a chess piece at the same time. So this way I could combine my urge to draw a horse but also give it a theme so it wouldn’t just be a horse. Drawing just one chess piece wouldn’t be so much fun so why not draw two different sides of the horse/knight and put them together like in the playing cards. There is a huge benefit of drawing two different versions of the horse/knight. By drawing two different versions you let your mind flow much more freely and not limit yourself to one vision of a horse you have in your mind. The other benefit is that you can use multiple visions and bring all of those together to create one amazing piece of art.
Color alternative.
Portion of the Color Palette.
Color scheme tryout: There were so many to choose from and almost all looked like a winner but I guess this time the traditional color scheme just worked the best and was also the most identifiable. I also chose the red one as it just looked awesome too.

