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5 Qualities to Look for in a Pet Sitter

You just got invited to the much-needed vacation of your dreams. Sunny weather, cold margaritas, and white sands await. But you’ve got a problem. You have to find someone to take good care of your furry friend—ASAP. You need someone trustworthy and dependable. But how do you know where to start when looking for a pet sitter? Here are five traits to consider:

1. Insured

Insurance probably isn’t the first thing that pops into your mind when you think about getting a sitter. However, liability insurance shows a sense of true professionalism and protects both of you in case something crazy and unexpected happens.

2. Comfortable

You’ll feel most at ease with someone who has already established a personal connection with your pet. Schedule a meeting and observe how the pet sitter interacts with your animal. Is this person approachable and affectionate? Does your pet seem comfortable? An in-person meeting ensures a good match for both you and your pet.

3. Experienced

When your sitter has a proven track record, you don’t have to wonder about your pet’s well-being. Whether you inquire in your personal interview or read online reviews, make sure your furry friend is in the hands of someone who’s done this before. When you’re confident your pet is happy and healthy, you’ll be free to sip that margarita worry-free.

4. Communicative

A good pet sitter will keep you in the loop as much as you want to be. Would you like daily reports of your pet’s activities and eating habits? Do you want pictures? Text message updates? When you meet together, be sure to establish a detailed communication plan.

5. Trained and Certified

You don’t want a sitter who will freak out if something unexpected comes up. Certifications give you confidence that your pet will be taken care of no matter what.
With a trained professional, you’ll know your sitter has already prepared for any crises that might come their way.

Instead of rolling the dice on Carly from down the street, find a competent professional. When you know Fido’s in good hands, you’ll finally be able to sit back and enjoy that dream vacation.

5 Reasons to Do Home Improvement Projects Yourself

Like it or not, your kitchen has grown out of style. Your cabinets are too orange, your floors are scuffed up, and you want a brighter overhead light. You’re finally ready to bite the bullet and step into the 21st century, but doing it yourself sounds overwhelming. At the same time, you know if drop the money to hire someone, you’ll be eating ramen noodles for the next year.

Though doing home improvement projects yourself might seem intimidating, it has several advantages over hiring someone else. Here are five reasons to consider taking on simple projects yourself:

1. Saving Money

This one’s probably the most obvious. Paying for someone else’s labor is expensive. When you do the work yourself, you’ll certainly spend some time, but you’ll save a lot of money in the long run. As long as you’ve got the time, doing it yourself will let you spend your hard earned cash elsewhere.

2. Learning New Skills

Doing your own home improvement projects will improve not only your home but also your own skills set. With the wide variety of materials available, you can take the time to learn skills that will be useful for years to come. Who knows…maybe you’ll enjoy becoming a handy person!

3. Customization

When you’re doing your own project, you can customize it as you go. It’s even okay to change your mind! If you decide you want a glossier finish than your test strip, you can go ahead and change it! Do you want to take a risk to try something unique? Go for it!

4. Pacing Your Projects

You won’t face any pressure to finance all of your improvements at once. If you’ve got the time and money for one set of cabinets now, have at it! If you want to wait until your next paycheck to finish the rest, that’s totally fine! If you want to wait six months before refinishing your floors, you can. If the money comes in unexpectedly sooner, you’re free to start.

5. Personal Pride

When you take on your home improvement projects yourself, your house becomes a collage of grown up arts and crafts. You can take pride in your home and know that you’ve literally made it your own.

Next time you need to decide whether or not to hire a contractor for a simple project, consider the advantages of doing the work yourself.
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