"Interludes of my life, I have taken them with me and left a part of myself with them. "
"We went on a gappo strip walk through the hot savannah into a forest entrance, where we learnt how to set up the camera trap for mammals."
"Back to the lodge after a shower emerged a huge rainbow, with its whole span visible that sheltered the village. It is almost like a blessing from nature to its loving people"
"We took turns and caught around 12 fish of all kinds, some catfish that had a distorted baby cry with a weird mustache, most common pirahnas and other types. The captains cut off special vines and stringed the fish from gills through mouths, a beautiful garland! "
"Everyone was smiling, looking at us: foreign visitors to our country! 
---the bustling atmosphere almost felt like people from home in Guangzhou: hot climates make people more casual and talkative? "
"Leon was in front stirring the direction adroitly, while identifying countless birds that are always watching us on the top of tree branches: I feel like in this particular ecosystem, where we a stranded to the boat, it’s more like ‘birds getting entertained human watching rather than bird watching’."
"A lot of birds busied themselves on the waterlilies, primarily the wattled jacanas that don’t seem to mind the heat. They traveled in and out just like human traffic, but non e of them interfered each other: the hawks and vultures circled the air, the little birds had their areas in the bushes... everything was in perfect order."
"Nature was awake much earlier, giving us a sweet silence with only birds and fish bubbling sounds. It was just us and the pond, quietly for a
long long time"
Scroll created based on my scientific findings depicting the behaviors of pond species according to time
Scientific paper excerpts  based on personal observations and measurements
"I tagged along with the herp walk team again on the back of the open truck tank driving through the savannah gappo. It was one of the craziest fun nights I had, singing as the truck bumped ‘wiggle jiggled’ through the lumps of grass. Underneath the stars and counting moths reflected by the flashlight just like flying stars with a light breeze of wind, occasionally dodging razor grass hung from the forest area trees..." 
"People live the most idyllic lives, wearing their aprons, underwear, chasing the ducks, showering in the river. When are we ever so at ease?"
'Where tea began from just four ancestral trees here gulping the minerals washed off from the hairlike thin streams between the mountains..."
" Old grandpa humming songs taking us through the maze like streets of Shaoxing. He proudly tells the tale as a rickshaw man his whole life, he's fit, he's working, he's happy."
"Portrait of the devastated Jiuzhai Valley National Park from 2016... awaiting the day she returns from the deadly earthquake."
"The colors are the jewels of the girl, mixing, setting, flowing, reflecting and evaporating."
"The tree dearly bows down to embrace his parents underneath the blue mirror, "
In this seemingly neglected land of Xinjiang, boundless continuous mineral ripples have their best play. They form the color palette of history."
"It was just raining a minute ago, but now the sun has came out with a huge rainbow just to brighten up this little one's day"
" 'How fast can you ride?'  'I show you.' "
"The tiniest helicopter matches the cutest pimples of the sea beneath. -Filming with a door swung open"
As small as she is, her aura creates throne made of crystal and jade to create a sense of majesty."
"Hundreds and thousands of years of erosion has brought the best carved shampoo advertisement?"
"Peaking out from the cave, I feel the coexistence between dessert and glacier, summer and winter, dry and wet, warm and cold. Nevertheless, all the same liveliness." 


Places of wilderness, cultural tales, and memorable journeys captured from my eyes and heart.


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